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Bird Watching Paradise: Discover the Avian Delights at Oppiedam Family Cabins šŸ¦†šŸ¦‰

Updated: Feb 21

Nature enthusiasts and bird lovers, get ready for an unforgettable bird watching experience at Oppiedam Family Cabins!

Nestled in the picturesque Bot River area, our cabins provide the perfect vantage point to observe a diverse range of bird species in their natural habitat. From graceful waterbirds to colourful songbirds, Oppiedam is a haven for birdwatching enthusiasts. Join us as we explore the feathered wonders that call this area home.

Table of Birds Identified on and Around Oppiedam Family Cabins:

List of Birds identified on and around the Lagoon:

  • African black duck

  • African marsh harrier

  • African marsh warbler

  • African sedge warbler

  • Alpine swift

  • Avocet

  • Bar-throated apalis

  • Black crake

  • Black oystercatcher

  • Black sawwing swallow

  • Black swift

  • Black-shouldered kite

  • Blacksmith plover

  • Black-winged stilt

  • Bokmakierie

  • Brownthroated martin

  • Burchell's coucal

  • Cape batis

  • Cape bulbul

  • Cape canary

  • Cape francolin

  • Cape reed warbler

  • Cape robin

  • Cape rock thrush

  • Cape shelduck

  • Cape sparrow

  • Cape sugar bird

  • Cape teal

  • Cape turtle dove

  • Cape wagtail

  • Caspian tern

  • Common sandpiper

  • Common waxbill

  • Crested grebe

  • Dabchick

  • Darter

  • Double-collared sunbird

  • Egyptian goose

  • Ethiopian snipe

  • European starling

  • Familiar chat

  • Fiscal flycatcher

  • Fiscal shrike

  • Fish eagle

  • Forest buzzard

  • Giant kingfisher

  • Grassbird

  • Greater flamingo

  • Greater striped swallow

  • Grey heron

  • Grey-backed cisticola

  • Grey-headed gull

  • Greywing francolin

  • Ground woodpecker

  • Hammerkop

  • Hartlaub's gull

  • Hoopoe

  • House sparrow

  • Jackal buzzard

  • Karoo prinia

  • Klaas's cuckoo

  • Kittlitz's plover

  • Laughing dove

  • Le Vaillant's cisticola

  • Lesser flamingo

  • Little egret

  • Little swift

  • Little stint

  • Malachite kingfisher

  • Malachite sunbird

  • Marsh sandpiper

  • Masked weaver

  • Moorhen

  • Neddicky

  • Olive thrush

  • Orange-breasted sunbird

  • Paradis flycatcher

  • Pied kingfisher

  • Pied starling

  • Pin-tailed whydah

  • Protea canary

  • Purple gallinule

  • Purple heron

  • Rameron pigeon

  • Red bishop

  • Red-billed teal

  • Red-eyed dove

  • Red-knobbed coot

  • Red-winged starling

  • Reed cormorant

  • Rock kestrel

  • Rock martin

  • Rock pigeon

  • Sacred ibis

  • Sandwich tern

  • Sentinel rock thrush

  • Sombre bulbul

  • Southern black-backed gull

  • Southern boubou

  • Southern pochard

  • Southern tchagra

  • Spotted dikkop

  • Spotted eagle owl

  • Spurwinged goose

  • Swift tern

  • Three-banded plover

  • Victorin's warbler

  • White pelican

  • White-backed duck

  • White-breasted cormorant

  • White-fronted plover

  • White-rumped swift

  • White-throated swallow

  • White-winged tern

  • Wood sandpiper

  • Yellowbilled duck

  • Yellowrumped widow

Enjoy bird watching at Oppiedam Family Cabins!

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